
I recently completed a Masters in Leadership at Tai Sophia Institute (now known as Maryland University of Integrative Health). I participated out of personal interest and enjoyed the differences between studying Leadership and studying Management.

Carnegie Mellon is my alma mater. I received Bachelors in Information Systems and Hispanic Studies in 2008 and a Masters in Information Systems Management in 2009. Professor Larry Heimann was particularly influential in shaping my education, my career and my life.

I served as Project Manager for the Systems Project team in my last year of grad school. Unfortunately, our client was Lehman Brothers and the year was 2008. This photo of our team was taken the evening of September 26th in the lobby of their New York headquarters as painters scraped the final letters of “Lehman Brothers” off the wall. We were smiling but nervous.

I also wore the mascot outfit at football games for two years. That’s me in Scotty’s new costume posing for a press photo. I also rowed several seasons for varsity crew and raced two years for the ski team.

Before college I took a gap year to work, travel, live abroad in Madrid and try life as a ski bum for a season in Winter Park, Colorado.

Before that, I logged 12 years at The Friends School and loved every minute.